Our Team
We are extremely proud of the high level of expertise and knowledge in our core team. Each of us has a unique skill set and, combined, provide our clients with the highest possible level of customer service and support. Our core team has been successfully delivering projects together for over 11 years.
John Yardley, Ph.D.
Founding Partner, President
Email: john@metricsatwork.com
Education and Research Relevant Training:
PhD and M.A. in Organizational/Social Psychology (SUNY at Buffalo); MA (Alberta, Recreation Administration); BA, BSc (Otago, New Zealand); Diploma of Teaching (Dunedin, New Zealand); NTL (National Training Laboratories) consultant training (GSPDP, 40 days over 2 year period).
Dr. Yardley could be characterized as an applied research consultant with expertise that runs the gamut from strategic to tactical, and experience extending from Board Rooms, to the C Suite, to the front-line. After 27 years as a professor in Applied Health Sciences at Brock University, Dr. Yardley retired in 2010 at the rank of Associate Professor to become President of Metrics@Work, which was formerly his research laboratory within Brock University. In 2007, the business component of the research laboratory became Metrics@Work, which is an incorporated applied research, survey, and consulting company with Dr. Yardley and 2 former research laboratory staff as shareholders.
Dr. Yardley’s 27-year university career included over $5,000,000 in referred and contract research grants, including SSHRC grants. He has published 23 refereed articles, 1 book chapter, and presented well over 100 papers, presentations and posters at academic and scores of practitioner conferences. His most recent organizational /industrial oriented academic papers and posters were presented at the 2009 American Psychological Association / NIOSH Stress Work and Health Conference, 2010 Canadian Psychological Association Conference, I/O section; and the 2010 ICOH-WOPS Conference, i.e., International Commission on Occupational Health and The Scientific Committee on Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors. (Full Resume available on request)
In 2001 Dr. Yardley was invited by the Canadian Council on Integrated Healthcare (CCIH, a Canadian Think Tank) to present on organizational health as it applies to Canadian Healthcare. He was subsequently asked to be an observer and after playing a key role in the preparation of their most downloaded 2002 publication entitled Workplace Health (over 60,000 downloads) he became a councillor and was the Chair for 2011-2013. His CCIH experience has provided a deep insight into many facets of Canadian Healthcare. Dr. Yardley also served on the Niagara Health System Research Ethics Board from 2006 to 2010, resigning due to workload and retiring from Brock University. Finally, for 20 years from 1981-2000, Dr. Yardley sat on the Board of Directors of the Niagara Alcohol and Drug Assessment Service
- Consulted to and involved in 4 of 4 Metrics@Work 360 projects
- Experience in consulting from Board/Strategic Leadership level to staff in the front-line
- Total of 30 years’ experience in Applied Research and Consulting in the broad area of industrial and organizational behavior and Human Resource Management in particular
- Founded Brock University, Workplace Health Research Laboratory (1999) and Metrics@Work Inc. (2007), resulting in 13 consecutive years of experience in organizational research and consulting at WHRL and Metrics@Work
- Worked with over 230 private and public sector organizations (e.g., hospitals, municipalities, education, financial sectors, utilities/power and manufacturing)
- Highly sought after paid speaker at Conferences on a wide variety of I/O topics but particularly on the creation and maintenance of high quality work environments
- Remains actively engaged in applied research
- 200+ presentations to staff, managers, senior teams / Boards of Directors
- Experienced in advanced statistical analyses and interpretation of all types of survey results
Zak Rochon, B.A.
Partner, Director of Client Services
Email: zak@metricsatwork.com
Extension: 201
Mr. Rochon was a part of the original Brock University Workplace Health Research Laboratory (WHRL) with Dr. Yardley and prior to WHRL he had several years of full time and part time work in research settings, managing university faculty research projects as well as conducting his own research projects. Zak has strong quantitative and qualitative research experience. Zak’s primary focus at Metrics@Work is in designing, implementing, and consulting on employee engagement survey projects. He was involved in the early testing and development of all Metrics@Work’s survey and reporting systems. Zak consults on all aspects of research projects ranging from survey psychometrics and distribution methodology to survey follow-up and action planning.
Education: B.A. (Hons.) Psychology, Brock University
- Consulted to and involved in 3 of 4 Metrics@Work 360 projects
- Over 15 years of experience in Applied Research and Survey Management
- Over 10 years of experience in organizational research with Metrics@Work
- Worked with over 150 private and public sector organizations to develop, implement and use the results of employee surveys (e.g., hospitals, regional municipalities, and financial sectors)
- Highly skilled and experienced in survey development Highly experienced in coordinating survey implementation to large populations (groups ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 participants), i.e., as a project manager expertise
- Over 75 presentations to staff, managers, senior teams / Boards of Directors
- Highly experienced with data manipulation, statistical analyses (trained at graduate level), and interpretation of survey results
Angela Alexander, B.A., M.A.
Partner, Director of Operations & Administration
Email: angela@metricsatwork.com
Extension: 202
Angela initially joined Metrics@Work Inc. as a graduate student from Brock University more than 10 years ago, completing her Master’s thesis using Metrics@Work data. Prior to that Angela worked part-time for the Brock University Psychology Department as a teaching assistant in many different subject areas, including research design.
Angela was successively promoted over the past 10 years to currently being in charge of operations and administration. Angela has intimate knowledge and operating oversight of all survey production and report production processes, including all forms of quality assurance. She has been instrumental in the updating and improvement of the operational systems at Metrics@Work Inc. and is responsible for final contracting and financial administration. She has successfully managed multiple municipal client surveys from survey design through to report production. Angela can also assist in facilitated group sessions and in supporting consultation processes.
Education: M.A. Applied Health Sciences, Brock University, B.A. (Hons) Psychology, Brock University;
- Total of 12 years’ experience in Applied Research and Survey Management
- 9 years of experience in surveying and organizational research with Metrics@Work
- Worked with over 120 private and public sector organizations to design, implement and evaluate employee surveys (e.g., hospitals, regional municipalities, and financial sectors)
- Highly experienced in coordinating survey implementation to large populations (groups ranging from 5,000 to 22,000 participants), i.e., as a project manager
- Highly skilled and experienced in survey development and design
- Experienced in data manipulation, statistical analyses (trained at the graduate level), and interpretation of survey results
Amber Noble
Ms. Amber Noble, Manager of Data Analytics
B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics and Economics, Brock University
Email: amber@metricsatwork.com
Extension: 204
Amber’s Experience:
- Joined in 2017 and has 6 years’ experience in Research Analytics and Database Management,
- Prior to joining Metrics@Work, Amber worked with IPSOS ASI where she was responsible for survey design, implementation, analysis, and presentation of results for large companies,
- Highly experienced in data manipulation, statistical and trend analyses, and interpretation,
- Highly experienced in survey implementation and design,
- Highly experienced in creation, management and utilization of large databases,
- Highly proficient working with different statistical analysis programs,
- Highly experienced at fixing hierarchical employee data and merging disparate data sets,
- Highly experienced at working in multiple types of programming languages for report design.
Education: MaSC (Master of Applied Science in Industrial / Organizational Psychology, University of Waterloo); BSc (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies & Psychology, Economics Minor, St. Lawrence University). Mark has extensive graduate level training in organizational psychology and advanced statistics (e.g., multiple regression, multilevel modelling, and structural equation modelling).
Judy Evans
Finance & Office Administrator
Email: judy@metricsatwork.com
Extension: 203
Education: Business Accounting Diploma
Judy has been with Metrics@Work for over 7 years and carries out all our administrative duties, including accounting. She also supports operational and production work (i.e., Production Team member).
Marie-Claude Perrault (CHRP)
Bilingual Project Consultant
B.A. (Hons.) Psychosociology of Communication, University of Quebec in Montreal
Email: marie-claude@metricsatwork.com
Website: http://www.mangomango.biz/expertise/
Since 1987, Marie-Claude Perrault has worked with major private and public sector organizations. She works with managers and their teams to discover, develop and align their strengths with their organizations’ goals. After 15 years of experience as a senior consultant and team leader for Towers Perrin (now Towers Watson), a global management consulting firm, Marie-Claude founded Mango, Strategic Intervention in 2003. She first worked with Dr. John Yardley Metrics@Work in 2006 on a large Crown Corporation project and has since become a vital associate to the organization.
Experience Summary:
- Employee research: developing and leading numerous focus groups as well as managing employee climate and engagement survey projects; and
- Post research: developing detailed action plans to align employees and managers behaviors with the organization’s goals using, as required:
- a. Individual and team coaching;
- b. Experiential training; and
- c. Strategic communication programs
Marie-Claude is a certified coach, an accredited member of the Quebec HR Association since 1998, and an accredited Trainer by the “Commission des Partenaires du marché du travail du Québec” since 2002. Fluently bilingual, Marie-Claude has been working in French and English for the last 25 years and speaks Spanish at an intermediate level.
Sarah McVanel, MSc, CHRL, CSODP, PCC
President & Principal – Greatness Magnified
Executive Coach/Consultant – Brant Community Healthcare System www.bchsys.org
Please visit Greatness Magnified on Facebook or Twitter @greatnessmagnif
Please visit me on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter @SarahMcVanel
Website: https://www.greatnessmagnified.com/
MSc, University of Guelph, B.A. (Hons.) Psychology, Brock University, Certificate in Human Resources Management, Mohawk College, CHRL (Certified Human Resources Professional, Human Resources Professionals Association Ontario), CSODP (Certified Senior Organizational Development Professional, Canadian Organizational Development Institute), PCC (Professional Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation)
Sarah most recently was on the Senior Team at the Brant Community Healthcare System as the Value Stream Leader, Engagement & Community Partnerships with oversight of Organizational Development, Public Relations, Government Relations, and Community Partnerships. She was employed there for 6 years and two other healthcare organizations, totally experience in healthcare consulting and leadership of 13 years. In 2014, she founded Greatness Magnified, a partner organization of Metrics@Work.
Sarah has been trained in qualitative and quantitative research methodology, most recently advancing application of statistics through her LEAN Green Belt. Her experience provides both a strong theoretical and practical approach to planning, executing and analyzing data analysis, maximizing the efficacy of the data gathered with experience in the application of results to real-world scenarios.
Sarah has been involved or lead significant transformational changes. Highlights include: organizational realignment, clinical services program realignment, strategic planning, physician and staff respectful workplace program (including targeted interventions where required), physician and staff team dysfunction interventions, talent development program, leadership development programs, change leadership program. All projects involved a leadership development component and retrospective analysis of effectiveness. She brings a focus on the people side of change in addition to a strong project management focus.
Experience Summary:
- Over 15 years of experience in Applied Research and Survey Management, both qualitative and quantitative
- Over 13 years of experience in healthcare in various capacities from consulting to senior leadership
- Worked on dozens of significant change projects with budgets of upwards of $1,000,000 such as restructuring of an organization, launching a new Organizational Development department
- Highly skilled and experienced in survey development, communication, action planning and supporting groups to address results
- Over 100 presentations and workshops to staff, managers, physicians, senior teams, Boards of Directors, and professional groups as internal and external expert
- Over 40 facilitated planning sessions (e.g., strategic plans, program realignments) for homogeneous and heterogeneous audiences
- Sought after and paid professional coach, speaker, facilitator and mediator
- Trained in LEAN (Yellow Belt, Green Belt) and have trained staff, managers, and senior leaders in LEAN
We are proud of the high level of expertise and knowledge in our core team, each bringing a unique skill set to the project to provide you with the highest possible level of customer service and support. Our team has been successfully delivering projects together for several years. We have a focus on our clients. We work hard to meet our clients’ needs and we have documented service standards that ensure satisfaction and improvement. You can trust that your findings will be accurate and timely.