Our Surveys

Our comprehensive, valid and reliable Engagement Survey can be easily customized to meet your specific needs. The core survey contains standardized scales that measure key quality of work life indicators, and our Project Leaders will work closely with you to customize the survey to fit your culture and meet your needs while maintaining the validity of the assessment tool.

History / Development of Our Survey

The survey was constructed with four major goals in mind:

    1. Based on sound and empirically tested theories of employee satisfaction.
    2. Designed in such a way as to balance the needs of scientific rigor (including high reliability and validity of the scales), with the practical aspects of being useful to work organizations.
    3. Designed to be a generic measure that could be used with a wide variety of industries, across job levels and job functions.
    4. Capture the range of employee satisfaction and engagement facets

    We are continuously working to refine our core survey, keeping up to date with leading edge research in academics as well as industry trends and government legislation (e.g., Bill 168, ECFAA). For example, we now offer robust measures of harassment / workplace incivility, as well as quality of care measures for our hospital clients.

    Our Employee Engagement Surveys offer the following features:

  • Multiple languages supported
  • Longer version can be completed in approximately 30 minutes, or less
  • Shorter version can be completed in approximately 15 minutes, or less
  • Available in pen/paper or web formats (or a combination of both)
  • Perceived importance of each element to respondents’ quality of work life is assessed, allowing for analysis between satisfaction and importance ratings. This ‘gap’ analysis provides important information that can drive successful action planning (used if required)
  • Written comments (commentary). Respondents are asked to provide their qualitative feedback on survey factors, allowing for the production of separate Commentary Reports. This valuable report allows you to ‘hear’ your employees’ opinions – in their own words
  • Custom demographic questions (e.g. work group, location, gender, supervisor, etc.), allowing for internal comparative analyses. This valuable information is key to pinpointing your own internal ‘best practices’ and highlighting potential areas of concern throughout your organization
  • A unique identifier system – allowing for the valid tracking of change over time by the same respondents, while maintaining your employees’ anonymity
  • The flexibility to add other custom scales/items – our survey systems are flexible enough to allow you to create and use a unique survey that fits your specific organizational information needs
  • Allows an organization to compare their results to database benchmarks

Examples of Workplace Elements Measured


    1. Organizational Engagement (usually 3 components)
    2. Job Engagement (usually 3 components)
    3. Self Reported Job Performance (presenteeism)
    4. Self Reported Health
    5. Self Reported Stress


  • Supervisor Satisfaction
  • Sufficient Recognition from Supervisor
  • Workplace Behaviours
  • Workplace Improvements
  • Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Health and Safety
  • Given Sufficient Opportunities to Express Your Opinion
  • Job Clarity
  • Satisfaction with Department / Program Management
  • Work Area: Training Satisfaction
  • Satisfaction with Cooperation in Your Unit (different job)
  • Appropriate Management of Poor Work Performance
  • Satisfaction with Co-workers
  • Organizational Support for Diversity
  • Satisfaction with Cooperation in Your Unit (same job)
  • Quality Improvement Practices
  • Trust in your Organization
  • Satisfaction with Communication in Your Work Area
  • Work Area: Support for Diversity
  • Satisfaction with the Scheduling Process
  • Alignment With Organizational Values
  • Learning and Development
  • Work Area: Resources and Supplies
  • Work Area: Sufficient Technology
  • Satisfaction with Customer Service Practices
  • Satisfaction with Strategic Leadership
  • Satisfaction with Cooperation From Other Departments
  • Organizational Communication
  • Work Area: Physical Safety
  • Employees Report Safety Incidents
  • Career Development
  • Work Area: Involvement in Decision-making
  • No Blame Atmosphere for Reporting Errors
  • Organizational Involvement in Decision-Making
  • Satisfaction with Job Control
  • Work and Family Life Balance
  • Workload Stress
  • Enough Time to Perform Job
  • Impact of Workload on Quality of Work
  • Enough Staff to Meet Workload Demands
  • Job Not Stressful on Personal Life