Our Engagement Model

The Metrics@Work Model of Engagement was developed and refined over a period of several years through the synthesis of academic and real-world insights, and is the foundation of our uniquely deep understanding of the theory and practice of employee engagement.

The Model contains multiple drivers that impact three levels of engagement, which in turn affect valued organizational and local work environment outcomes:

Quick Facts on Our Engagement Model

  • Grounded in leading edge academic research, our model extends the pioneering work of Dr. Alan Saks (Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto)
  • Statistically validated using our databases containing 60,000+ responses to over 30 organizational and work environment factors
  • Measures the critical drivers and predictors of engagement, and other important corporate outcomes
  • Successfully implemented in over 100 organizations across Canada, and proven to generate actionable people management insights

Simple in Design, but Powerful Results

Based on common sense logic, our Engagement Model is designed to be easily understood yet produce powerful results. 

A More In-Depth Look at Our Model

As can be seen from our model, there is a very clear differentiation among:

  1. Drivers of three forms of engagement:
    1. Job Drivers (survey elements about one’s day-to-day job)
    2. Mixed Drivers (survey elements describing the local work environment)
    3. Organizational Drivers (survey elements about the organization)
  2. Engagement as mediators:
    1. Job Engagement
    2. Organizational Engagement
  3. Outcomes:
    1. Staff / Physician Outcomes
    2. Patient Outcomes
    3. Organizational Outcomes

This differentiation is a key advantage to working with Metrics@Work as it is clearly linked to our surveying and also to your reporting. This means you can clearly define where better practices (i.e., higher scores) are occurring, but also where challenges lie (i.e., lower scores).