Our sophisticated 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey is designed to help HR professionals enhance coaching and development initiatives as well as support your organization’s vision and direction.

Quick Facts – 360/180 Leadership Feedback Brochure

A. Backgrounder on 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey

Many roles and responsibilities for management are based on “soft” outcomes such as the development of staff, maintaining or improving relationships, and developing and improving strategies and planning. These areas are harder to create reliable and valid measures for compared to clinical, financial, or product outcomes. 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey provides one source of evaluation of those types of management outcomes.

When designing a measurement system, such as a 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey, the organization’s complete feedback management system must be kept in mind. Also, a key reason for creating a “custom” 360/180 feedback system as opposed to an “off-the-shelf” system, is that it can be designed to fit the organization’s KPI’s or management competencies. Further, specific behaviours may apply to your sector of business.

There are multiple measurement and rater issues in the 360/180 Leadership Feedback and there is no single way of combating these issues.

However, common ways of avoiding or reducing the problems is to ensure that raters:

  1. are knowledgeable of who they are rating,
  2. understand the rating system/methodology being used in the assessment,
  3. are assured of anonymity (except for self and sole supervisor ratings) and that results will be dealt with confidentially.

As outlined in the opening paragraph, the outputs (e.g., reports) of a 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey should be PART, NOT ALL, of a performance management system. Therefore, the feedback results should be clearly integrated and understood within the full range of an organization’s performance management system, as well as skill and leadership development and succession planning. In particular, the reports should:

  1. Be linked to discussions that must be held about the results within the organization (e.g., with direct supervisor, HR and/or Coach),
  2. Particularly impact individual goal setting and possibly and team goal setting, and
  3. Be part of timely follow-up processes (e.g., quarterly discussions with supervisor / coach, the next 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey, and additional organizational performance feedback mechanisms).

Accordingly, the 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey should be developed in consultation with key organizational members (e.g., HR, Strategic Leadership team) as well as management members who will be involved. Potentially, the Board of Directors should be involved, particularly as it relates to Executive positions. This will create transparency and higher degrees of acceptance. It will also help ensure that it better meets the organization’s needs and that it be a part of the overall management of performance in the organization as well as development and succession plans.

B. Typical Project Parameters

  1. Your organization will provide or develop the competencies / behaviours that are to be used in the 360/180 Leadership Feedback process using in-house expertise.
  2. Metrics@Work will provide competency examples from its experience that may be used to shape your organization’s measures.
  3. The measurements will be developed in a manner consistent with the current reporting and hierarchy of Metrics@Work’s 360/180 feedback systems.
  4. Metrics@Work can conduct:
    1. A half-day day train-the-trainer workshop on how to read, interpret and use the 360/180 Leadership Feedback process, at the end of the project.
    2. Presentation of results to CEO or Board Members


C. Typical 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey Content and Development Process

  1. A series of Key Managerial Competencies developed by your organization that fit your business model, leadership elements and values.
  2. These Key Managerial Competencies will be further sub-divided into “sub-competencies” or composed of a series of items (Note: likely 1 item for each Sub-Competency Area) based on:
  3. A number of open items where the rater is asked to provide verbatim commentary.
    1. Measures made available through your organization,
    2. Measures used by Metrics@Work in previous surveying,
    3. Measures provided by Metrics@Work that have been used with other clients.

D. Summary of Typical Survey Delivery Logistics

  • Your Organization would create rater lists for each leader that would be submitted to Metrics@Work. There are various ways in which these can be compiled but we strongly suggest that a small group of Your Organization executives control the final list.
  • The raters should be selected from among the following and we would strongly suggest that at least 1-4 be included in the Your Organization rater groups:
    1. Direct Reports 
    2. Peers
    3. Two Supervisor rater possibilities 
    4. Self report
    5. External Group
  • The M@W survey system treats every Leader’s Rater as unique, which means that an email is sent to each Rater for every Leader.
  • Raters will receive as many email invites as the number of Leaders they are being asked to review.
  • M@W will send periodic reminders to Raters over the course of a 3-week survey window period.
  • The 360/180 Leadership Feedback Survey is dependant upon achieving very high response rates (at least 2 of 3/4 raters), which means a longer survey window and a need to stress the importance of raters committing to the feedback process from the beginning.

Further consulting, training, customizing, etc., based on your needs. Contact: info@metricsatwork.com or 1-800-726-4082